Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Already????

Too soon the days are old. Are clock hands moving faster? Farming is a time driven occupation with a rigid schedule. Tasks not completed in their allotted frame will surely not succeed! So, here I am, December 1st (!!) and still not done garlic. It has been too wet in the field. Aaarrrgghh!

Custom embroidery orders, thankfully, can be done in the house. I sit between two windows, which even on a cold, thickly gray day, give abundant light. And it is while sewing that I contemplate the coming season. In little more than sixty days another kind of sowing will commence. Those in the far North, buried under their annual white blanket, will have a bit longer to ruminate.

Until the ground dries I am patient, no point flustering. There is a series of "piles" to keep me sufficiently employed:

dust bunnies pile
laundry pile
mending pile
dishes pile
paper pile
embroidery pile
unpaid bill pile
books to read pile
etc, etc, etc..................................

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