Monday, April 27, 2009

92 degrees?????

Max contemplating.

Brown Turkey and Celeste Fig trees. These are in pots so they can be brought inside during the winter months. No, they won't be ready this year.
Purple asparagus is ready to be enjoyed. A bit of premium olive oil, green garlic, sea salt and fresh ground pepper..........yum. Don't overcook your asparagus!
Beautiful rye cover crop. Next week this will be chopped and tilled under for biomass.
Aaron weeding thistles-the bane of our farm life. They are crowding the German Winter Thyme and volunteer green garlic. Ouch, wear gloves.

Last week freezing rain and now it is August????????? It was HOT out there today!! At least I would prefer a gradual assault so the body can acclimate. A lot of the seedlings have been sulking throughout April from very cold temps, hopefully this heat will wake 'em up.

1 comment:

Eden's Gardener - Marie said...

We had about 2 weeks of upper 80's as in the first week of Feb this year! Affected the heading up of our cabbage...but now, we're at normal and loving the rain! Just need to dry up a bit so I can finish seeding everything.

Wishing you good farming weather!
