A potato plant. I think this one is Yukon Gold.

Flats are bustin'n at the seams. If it stays dry for a few more days they can all be comfy in the ground with plenty of room.

Aaaarrrrggghhh!!! Something is eating my veggies!

Rhubarb is up after 2 weeks.

Red Express Cabbage

Roc D'or beans are up and loving this heat.


Siberian and Lacinato Kale after weeding.

Rain makes stuff grow, including weeds. The potato bed on the left is full of unwanted weeds. After some work with the scuffle hoe the bed on the right is looking better.
i love what you guys are doing here. we've recently joined a local organic CSA (www.alberteve.com) and have been eating fresh locally grown organic foods that are usually usually grown by individuals like you. We're supportive of your cause.
Thank you for the encouragement. All the best laid plans and scheduling on paper can be set back by erratic weather. Every year January is a blank slate, full of promise. The heart of a grower is eternally optimistic at this time. Then comes crazy Spring. Ahh, reality.
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