Red cabbage, still tiny.

Early Jersey Wakefield, a strange cone shape distinguishes this variety. As you can see the Cabbage Looper has already visited for a few snack bites.

Boothby heirloom cukes are ready, too bad I wasn't ready with the hortonova trellis!

Dill and cukes go hand in hand for pickles. These are particularly huge heads.

Rosalind broccoli was to be the star of the share bag this week. What a disappointment to realize they had "buttoned". This phenomena occurs when temperatures spike for several days, along with uneven water. The heads remain button size and sometimes leaves grow up through the head. Aaargh!

Solar power electric fence charger runs poultry netting to keep out predators.

Ahh, farming is really hard on shoes. SHOE-GOO to the rescue! The whole side had come apart but a few dollars and 24 hours will get another 6 months out of this pair.
We have not had rain for weeks. BAD. Thursday we put a few hundred peppers in the ground and 4 varieties of okra. Yea I know, way late. Celeraic, rutabaga and turnips were seeded in flats for fall root crops. Summer squash and beans are on the way. Work, gotta plant everyday. The temps have been in the 90's last few and I sure feel wilty.
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