Where did December go?? Christmas arrived regardless of my preference for two more weeks of preparation. When the children were small and underfoot, thousands of cookies were meticulously baked, presents hand crafted, cards sent, and beautiful hand made decorations adorned the windows. What happened? Farming!!
Planning for the 2009 season dominated all brain cells. Seed ordering became an obsession. The dining room table was inhospitable to food, already a feast of catalogs hogged every surface. A dialog between logic and desire ensued. Christmas baking and embroidery jobs were due now; seeds could be ordered after the holidays. " I'll just take a few minutes to look over these eggplant varieties" turned into three hours later(groan)!! Then we all got sick with sore throat, sinus, cold bugs. Oh no. To make a long story short...........I have never been so unprepared for Christmas. But what does any of this have to do with Jesus-The Reason For The Season????? Nothing. I think it was a very humbling experience. Less is More, so to speak.
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